Racial Justice Training Series (2020-21)
Links to annual Americorps training series sponsored by serve wisconsin
Serve Wisconsin offers a variety of trainings for its AmeriCorps members and programs, including a thematic training series for AmeriCorps members throughout their term of service. During the 2020-2021 program year, the training series focused on topics surrounding racial justice.
2020-21 Series overview
The Racial Justice Training Series was designed to be a continuous learning process that included anti-racism training, reflection journals and application videos. As a result of this process, participants should be able to identify interpersonal biases, engage in racial justice work, address internalized oppression, and facilitate conversations about race with adults and youth.
OCTOBER 30, 2020 - BUILDING BETTER COMMUNITIES TOGETHER (recording) -- This session was the keynote address at the 2020 AmeriCorps Opening Ceremony and served as the kickoff to the training series.
DECEMBER 18, 2020 - THIS IS A WHITE MAN'S WORLD (recording) -- This training provides a historical review of systemic racism from the colonial era through mass incarceration. Participants will learn how institutional policies, interactions among institutions, and differences in resources or investment over time, produce and reproduce racially unequal outcomes.
JANUARY 15, 2021 - WILL THE REAL RACIST PLEASE STAND UP? (recording) -- Many well-meaning white people hold stereotypes, unfounded fears, biases and racist beliefs about black people. These internal contradictions are the result of living in a racialized society and manifest as covert racism. During this training, participants will learn how covert racism manifests amongst white people who consider themselves allies to racial justice.
FEBRUARY 5, 2021 - THE MICROAGGRESSION GAME (recording) -- The Microaggression Game provides people with power and privilege in addition to people with marginalized identities with tools to intervene classist, adultist, ableist, racist, sexist and homophobic interactions. This team-based experience features customized scenario-based learning designed to teach participants how to intervene when micro aggressive interactions occur, and create equitable spaces for marginalized people.
FEBRUARY 26, 2021 - WHY ARE BLACK MEN AND BOYS GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT (recording) -- Racism characterizes black men as violent, hypersexualized, lazy and criminal. This training counters these widely accepted mistruths and exposes how these narratives were used to justify institutionalized slavery, prison labor, racial terror lynching, mass incarceration, political hatred and many other systemic injustices against black men and boys.
APRIL 30, 2021 - NOTHING 4 US WITHOUT US (recording) -- Nothing 4 Us Without Us introduces participants to best practices for engaging youth as leaders in racial justice initiatives. Youth and adults explore strategies for creating campaign momentum, developing effective teams and building tactics that produce long term change. This training exposes participants to multiple evidence-based organizing principles, leadership frameworks and youth engagement methods.
MAY 14, 2021 - THE ADULTIFICATION OF BLACK GIRLS AND WOMEN -- Negative stereotypes of black women are mapped onto black girls, which can lay the foundation for adultification bias. This Learning Panel features Black Women who can speak to the impact adultification has had on their lives and provide strategies to eliminate it.
MAY 28, 2021 - THE JOURNEY FROM ACTOR TO ACCOMPLICE -- This training illuminates the difference between an actor who wants to help people of color and an accomplice who works to dismantle racism. This training provides participants with a framework to identify their level of engagement in racial justice work and recommendations for moving towards being a racial accomplice.