Formula Program Grant
AmeriCorps Formula Program (Operational) Grantee organizations initiate, improve, or expand the ability of an organization and community to provide services to address local unmet environmental, educational, public safety (including disaster preparedness and response), or other human needs.
AmeriCorps members serving in programs funded by Formula Program Grants engage in:
direct service activities that meet local needs or
capacity-building activities that improve the organizational and financial capability of nonprofit organizations and communities to meet local needs by achieving greater organizational efficiency and effectiveness, greater impact and quality of impact, stronger likelihood of successful replicability, or expanded scale.
AmeriCorps State Formula Program Grants are awarded to fund a portion of program costs and AmeriCorps members’ living allowance. Serve Wisconsin determines which applicants are awarded Formula Program Grants in Wisconsin.
The Request for Proposals for Formula Program Grants is currently accepting applications. Applicants must complete the Notification of Intent to Apply form by midnight on February 24 and submit their application and required additional documents by March 17 by 4:30 p.m.
Email with any questions.
2025-26 AmeriCorps Serve Wisconsin Formula Program Grant RFP
Important dates for 2025
February 3: RFP released
February 24: Required Notification of Intent to Apply form due (by midnight)
March 14: Last day for submitting written questions via email
March 17: Application & required additional documents due (by 4:30pm)
May 29: Program Evaluation & Development (PE&D) Committee Meeting
All applicants are required to present to the PE&D committeeJune 5: Wisconsin National & Community Service Board Meeting
Appendices and Attachments
Appendices are for your reference as you write your application
Appendix 1: Performance Measure eGrants Module Instructions and Checklist
Appendix 2: AmeriCorps National Performance Measures
Appendix 3: Public Health AmeriCorps Performance Measures
Appendix 4: Applicant Determined Performance Measures
Appendix 5: Cost Reimbursement Budget Instructions
Appendix 6: Cost Reimbursement Budget Worksheet
Appendix 7: Fixed Amount Budget Instructions
Appendix 8: Indirect Cost Rate User Instructions
Appendix 9: Mandatory Supplemental Information
Appendix 10: Serve Wisconsin Formula Funding Process
Appendix 11: Serve Wisconsin Formula Selection Criteria Sample Chart
Appendix 12: Serve Wisconsin Peer Review Form
Appendix 13: Serve Wisconsin Program Member Service Year Cap Policy
Attachments must be submitted (if applicable)
Attachment A: Additional Documents Checklist
Attachment B: Cost Reimbursement Budget Checklist (Word)
Attachment C: AmeriCorps Operational Financial Management Survey
Attachment D: Serve WI Financial Management Survey (Word)
Attachment E: Alignment with Wisconsin State Service Plan (Word)
Attachment F: Program Member Service Year Cap Policy Waiver Request
Technical Assistance
Serve Wisconsin provides access to training and technical assistance for applicants.
On3Learn provides online workshops for applicants that are new to AmeriCorps grants.
To access On3Learn online workshops at no cost, please contact Serve Wisconsin at for a coupon code as soon as possible.
Please do not enter a credit card number when selecting an On3Learn online workshop. Instead, contact for a coupon code that will allow you to complete as many online workshops as you would like at no cost.
AmeriCorps Training and Technical Assistance
Although the Serve Wisconsin Request for Proposals is different than the AmeriCorps Notice of Funding Opportunity, many of the requirements are the same. You’re invited to review some of these training videos, but keep in mind that you should refer to the Serve Wisconsin Request for Proposals to confirm information about submission instructions/dates, and the attachments may be labeled differently. If you have any questions at all, please send them to as soon as possible.
Best Practices for Performance Measures and a Demonstration of Entering Performance Measure into eGrants (slide deck)
Is there another training you’d like to see posted here? Let us know!
Wisconsin Evaluation Collaborative (WEC)
One-on-One Consultations
Serve Wisconsin, with support from AmeriCorps, is providing each AmeriCorps program applicant a limited number of free one-on-one consultation hours with evaluators from the Wisconsin Evaluation Collaborative (WEC) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
The evaluators at WEC are great resources for AmeriCorps applicants and programs in creating and refining evaluation plans, reports, evidence, performance measures, and more.
Please fill out this survey form, and WEC will get in touch with you to schedule a time to discuss your needs.
The experts at WEC also provided a training session on Logic Models and Theory of Change training (slide deck)
Questions and answers
All questions organizations have regarding the RFP must be submitted in writing via email by March 14, 2025 to Questions for Serve Wisconsin via telephone will not be accepted.
Questions asked between February 3, 2025 and March 14, 2025 as part of the spring 2025-26 AmeriCorps Serve Wisconsin Formula Program Grant RFP and their answers were collected in one document, updated regularly and posted here.
Questions & Answers
(final version updated 3/14/25)
Serve Wisconsin held two Formula Program Grant Request for Proposal Q&A sessions before the RFP was released. Recordings can be found here: Formula Live Q&A (January 30th) and Formula Live Q&A (January 31st). To view the slides, click here.
Email with all questions